Verilator internal fault related to huge shifts

CLOSED: fixed in Verilator GIT 06744b6

Verilator d7e4bc1 fails with an internal error on the following code:

module issue_045(a, y);
  input signed [15:0] a;
  output [15:0] y;
  assign y = (a >> 16) >>> 32'h7ffffff1;

The error created is:

%Error: Verilator internal fault, sorry.  Consider trying --debug --gdbbt
%Error: Command Failed /usr/local/bin/verilator_bin -cc -Wno-fatal -DSIMLIB_NOMEM -DSIMLIB_NOSR -DSIMLIB_NOLUT --top-module test rtl/test.v

2014-05-15 Reported as Issue #766
2014-05-16 Fixed in GIT commit 06744b6

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