Vivado GDpGen::implementDivMod(DFNode*, bool): Assertion `TBD' failed.

CLOSED: fixed in Vivado 2014.2

When I try to synthesize the following module with Vivado 2013.4

module issue_014(a, b, y);
  input [1:0] a;
  input [2:0] b;
  output [3:0] y;
  assign y = $signed(a / b);

I get the following error message:

vivado: /proj/buildscratch/builds/2013.4/continuous/20131209165331/src/ext/oasys/src/syn/gen/gencore/dp/
        void GDpGen::implementDivMod(DFNode*, bool): Assertion `TBD' failed.
Abnormal program termination (6)

This is the TCL script I was using to build the module:

read_verilog issue_014.v
synth_design -part xc7k70t -top issue_014
write_verilog -force issue_014_netlist.v

2014-01-12 Reported bug in Xilinx Support Forum
2014-01-15 Xilinx prospected bugfix in future release
2014-04-16 Still broken in Vivado 2014.1
2014-09-27 Fixed in Vivado 2014.2

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