Vivado creates netlist with inputs shorted together

CLOSED: fixed in Vivado 2015.1

Vivado 2013.4 creates a netlist containing shorted together inputs for the following design:

(* use_dsp48="no" *)
module issue_010(a, b, y);
  input [5:0] a;
  input [3:0] b;

  // I have no clue why but Vivado 2013.4 generates a netlist containing:
  //   assign \<const0>  = a[3];
  //   assign \<const0>  = a[2];
  //   assign \<const0>  = a[1];
  //   assign \<const0>  = b[3];
  //   assign \<const0>  = b[2];
  //   assign \<const0>  = b[1];
  //   assign \<const0>  = b[0];
  //   IBUF IBUF
  //         (.I(\<const0> ),
  //          .O(xlnx_opt_));

  wire [80:0] y0;
  wire [4:0] y1;
  wire [3:0] y2;

  output [89:0] y;
  assign y = {y0,y1,y2};

  assign y0  = 0;
  assign y1  = {4{{3{b}}}};
  assign y2  = 4'b1000 * a;

This netlist was generated using the following TCL script:

read_verilog issue_010.v
synth_design -part xc7k70t -top issue_010
write_verilog -force netlist.v

2013-12-29 Reported bug in Xilinx Support Forum
2014-04-16 Still broken in Vivado 2014.1
2014-09-27 Still broken in Vivado 2014.2
2015-05-15 Fixed in Vivado 2015.1

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