The following test case is synthesized to a constant zero output by Vivado:
module issue_004(a, b, y); input a, b; output signed [1:0] y; // for some reason vivado thinks this is constant 0. // this is obviously not true for a=1 and b=0. assign y = $signed(a >>> b); endmodule
Interestingly the bug goes away when y is not declared signed, even though the signedness of the left hand side of a verilog assign statement should have no effect on the statement at all (see Sec. 5.5.3 of IEEE Std 1364-2005).
This is with Vivado 2013.4 and the following TCL script:
read_verilog issue_004.v synth_design -part xc7k70t -top issue_004 write_verilog -force issue_004_netlist.v
2014-01-10 Reported bug in Xilinx Support Forum
2014-04-16 Still broken in Vivado 2014.1
2014-09-27 Still broken in Vivado 2014.2
2015-05-15 Fixed in Vivado 2015.1