Quartus handling of constant first argument in Verilog ?: operator

OPEN: last verified in Quartus 17.0

Consider the following test case:

module issue_001(a, b, y);
    input [2:0] a;
    input [3:0] b;
    output [0:0] y;
    // the ?: must evaluate to the max width of both cases,
    // even if we can be sure that always the smaller case gets selected
    assign y = &( 1 ? a : b );

The output of this module should be constant zero. Here is a short analysis of why this is so:

Sec. 5.1.13 of the Verilog Standard (IEEE Std 1364-2005), which describes the ?: statement, states:

[...] If the lengths of expression2 and expression3 are different, the shorter operand shall be lengthened to match the longer and zero-filled from the left (the high-order end).

So with the condition being constant true, the expression in the parentheses must evaluate to {1'b0, a} and not simply a because of the size difference of a and b, thus the &-reduce operator should always see at least this one zero-bit and thus always return 0.

But Quartus 13.1 does not perform the zero filling and therefore produces an incorrect result, which is equivalent to assign y = &a;.

In my tests I have synthesized the module with

quartus_map issue_001 --source=issue_001.v --family="Cyclone III"
quartus_fit issue_001
quartus_eda issue_001 --formal_verification --tool=conformal

Crosscheck: Vivado 2013.4, Isim 14.7 and Modelsim 10.1d implement this correctly. Interestingly XST 14.7 suffers from the same bug.

2014-01-13 Reported via Altera mySupport (SR #11021734)
2014-01-22 Bugfix for Quartus II v14.1 prospected by Altera Support
2014-09-28 Verified that bug is still present in Quartus II v14.0
2015-05-15 Still broken in Quartus II 15.0
2017-07-01 Still broken in Quartus II 17.0

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